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Scottish halo

Full 22° halo


Full 22° halo [Barbaraville Scotland, 21 June 2003; FinePix4800Z]

This was a splendid display of a full 22° halo, on a hot early summer day at Barbaraville in northern Scotland. The display lasted some hours. Chris was lying on the ground for this picture, with Lee's hand shading the sun (which makes a rather better picture than the traditional convenient lamp-post).

Unfortunately the lens on the camera was not capable of capturing the entire circle. You generally need a wide-angle lens to get good shots of halos.

Please exercise the usual caution when looking at or near the sun, especially when using optical equipment (including camera viewfinders).

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Image details

Photographer: Chris
Taken: Barbaraville Scotland, 2:02:57pm Thu 21 Jun 2001
Original format: 1280 x 960 JPEG, 298 Kbytes
Camera: FUJIFILM FinePix2200
Exposure: 1/64 sec * ISO100 * f4.80
Focal length: 5.80mm (macro Off)
Program/mode: Normal/Auto * Metering: Pattern * White balance: Auto
Flash: Not fired * Slow sync: Off
Warnings: blur No, focus No, AE No
Processing: Scaling

© Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran 2005
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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