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Annular Eclipse 31 May 2003



Eclipse 2003 [Dornoch Scotland, 4:35-4:45am Sat 31 May 2003; Canon AE1]

This is a short movie made from a sequence of nine shots taken with a Canon AE-1 camera, using a Tamron 500mm catadioptric lens.


Image details

Photographer: Lee
Taken: Dornoch Scotland, 4:35-4:45am Sat 31 May 2003
Original format: Scanned at 300dpi from 6x4 prints
Camera: Canon AE-1
Film: Fuji Superia 400
Exposure: Various
Focal length: 500mm (Tamron catadioptric lens)
Processing: Dust/mark removal; gamma adjustment; cropping; scaling

© 2003 Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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