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Version 0.11b 32-bit (30 Nov 2006)

About XEarth

XEarth displays an image of the Earth on the RISC OS pinboard. The image is accurately shaded according to the position of the sun, and is updated regularly. The display is highly configurable, and the program can also be used to generate useful images of the globe for other purposes (such as the picture above). XEarth can produce animations, too:


XEarth was originally written for the X-Window system by Kirk Johnson, and was ported to RISC OS by Matthew Bloch. This version has been recompiled to be 32-bit compatible, and uses ConfiX to provide a simple configuration front end.

For license details, please read the Copyright section at the end of the included ManPage document.

Program requirements

XEarth 0.11 should run on RISC OS 3.10 or higher, including RISC OS 5; this application works on both 26- and 32-bit machines.

In order to use the graphical configuration facility, you need to have the free ConfiX universal configuration utility. This is available from the X-Ample Technology web site at

If you wish to create animations, you will need Peter Hartley's InterGIF, available from The included IGViewer application is useful for viewing animations, although most web browsers will also display them. Note that the version of IGViewer on Peter Hartley's page is not 32-bit compatible (though InterGIF itself is); there is an unofficial 32-bit version at


XEarth Version 0.11b (32-bit) 30 Nov 2006 [401K zip file, with source]

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