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Sunspot group


Sunspot group [Leeds UK, 5:19:31pm Sun 25 Jul 2004; Canon EOS 10D digicam]

Although it's the solar minimum, the sun is currently very active. Here is a large sunspot group visible on 25 July 2004, which also caused considerable aurora activity.

Although the group was said to be visible to the naked eye (taking suitable precautions), we couldn't see it through eclipse spectacles. But a ceiling projection through the telescope clearly showed the complex structure and penumbral regions.

Image details

Photographer: Chris
Taken: Leeds UK, 5:19:31pm Sun 25 Jul 2004
Original format: 3072 x 2048 JPEG, 1274 Kbytes
Camera: Canon EOS 10D
Exposure: 1/90 sec * ISO100 * f5.60
Photodesk processing: Scaling, cropping, gamma, colour balance

EXIF data produced by EXIFinfo

© Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran 2004
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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